
ABC September-01-2008

Luk 20.27-40;Heb 1.1-9;Pro 18;Isa 1-2 Analysis: Luk 20: ...the wisdom of God. Jesus points them to the Scripture to answer the question about resurrection. And, declares that the resurrection will be a new thing in terms of relationships. Heb 1: ...Jesus is a nonpareil. Pro 18: Relationships: isolation breeds selfishness vs. 1? Being a bore cuts you off from what may be a growth opportunity - what are others opinions vs 2? Know when to be quiet/when to shut-up vs. 6-7. We're less than we think we are-are imagination may make us think we're rich when we're not vs. 11,12. Learn. Seek out answers and truth/knowledge vs. vs 15. God/Jesus are there for you vs. 10 & 24 Isa 1-2. By God's Spirit, Isaiah saw the spiritual state of his people. He saw the days to come. God seeks our penitence - a conversation about our failure and his mercy/grace. vs. 1.18-20 Best Verse(s): Isa 1.18 “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. Contract/Prayer: God, please help me to not isolate. Please help me to know when to be quiet. Please guide me in your path/truth.

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